boost your Mindset!
Entertainment for a strong healthy mind and a positive attitude
Why „Mindset“?
Mindset = our internal attitude and thought patterns
We live in a fast-paced world, driven by uncertainty, constant change and the pressure to be high-performers. According to Eric Schmidt, former CEO of Google, we produce as much information in two days as we did since the beginning of civilization until 2003, which is about 5 exabytes of data! It is therefore understandable that time appears to run "faster", as we are flooded with information! Additionally, we are living in digital times with advanced technology, reachable at all times. We cannot stop the “new normal”, nor the competition, the transformations, the digitization and the associated pressure and stress. What we can influence, however, is our "mindset", meaning our inner attitude, our approach and way of thinking in times of adversity. And we can learn to deal with our strong emotions, self-regulating and self-motivating ourselves!
A growth mindset, emotional intelligence and emotional agility are our keys to be agile and adapt to the new world. Now is the time to learn how to consciously master our thoughts in order to stay motivated, resilient and mentally strong!
The objective of my keynotes
Inspiration, impulses, everyday techniques and tools, mental strategies as well as the latest neuroscientific findings to promote a mentally strong, constructive and solution-oriented way of thinking.
Boost your Mindset: Emotional Agility in Times of Change.
Objective: Everyday mental strategies to promote inner strength and self-motivation.
Focus areas: Growth mindset, emotional intelligence & agility, self-motivation.
We live in times of change. Change is our constant! But how do we handle it? How do we master our strong emotions, such as fear, anger, frustration, disappointment resulting from uncertainty?
In this keynote you will experience a true MINDSET-BOOSTER, with neuroscientifically proven mental strategies to promote a growth mindset, emotional intelligence and emotional agility.
"Emotions are data, they are not directives," as Dr Susan David at Harvard Medical School says in her book "Emotional Agility". We can learn to deal with our emotions and gain more clarity and motivation by taking on new perspectives.
And as Jon Kabat Zinn says: “You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.” In my Keynote “Boost your Mindset - Emotional Agility in Times of Change.” I will show you how to surf the waves, no matter your situation!
R³ESILIENCE-POWER: Reflect – Recharge – Regain.
Objective: Keys to R3esilience: radical acceptance I realistic optimism I retrospective.
Focus areas: Resilience, mindfulness, stress management, self-awareness.
There is a changeable world and there is an unchangeable world.
Constant change, fast times, the digital world, the pandemic—all of this is part of our unchangeable world. Other people are our unchangeable world!
Our only true CHANGEABLE world is us, is our mindset, our way of thinking, our perspective. We therefore have to break our thinking patterns and accept situations that we cannot change. This awareness is what promotes our resilience. And our resilience defines how we deal with our unchangeable world!
The R³:
1. Radical acceptance
(adapting an “it is what it is” mindset)
2. Realistic optimism
(vs. rose-colored glasses)
3. Retrospective
(e.g. looking at how I will have mastered my challenges in retrospect in the future.)
Let us dive into the secrets of resilience and experience the power of resilience by reflecting, regenerating, and regaining our inner strength, being prepared to face and master our new normal!
MODERN LEADERSHIP: You Rise by Lifting Others.
Objective: Mindful communication, appreciative leadership and empathy for a new world of work.
Focus areas: Mindful communication, emotional intelligence, empathy.
Welcome to our "new normal"! The world has changed. So has our work world. We are going from hierarchy to cross functional teams, from orders to self-empowerment, from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset and from the importance of cognitive intelligence to the power of emotional intelligence. As a modern leader emotional intelligence combined with empathy is your key to success!
We know that many people don't leave the company - they leave their boss. This keynote is not about soft skills or "nice-to-haves" - it is about the importance to better understand and lead others by putting yourself into their shoes and igniting your teams' resources and strengths.
However, you can only do so, if you are able to change perspectives regularily, understanding that you are only as good as your team!
There is a space between stimulus and response. We can learn to use this space in a targeted manner. Especially as a modern leader. And a little "kill your ego" can work wonders. ;)
Modern leadership therefore is a “We is the new me”-mindset, promoting empathy, respect, appreciation and self-empowerment. This is exactly what will make the difference in our new work world. Because you rise by lifting others!
SERVICE EXCELLENCE MINDSET: Thrive in Human Connection!
Objective: Exceeding customer expectations with the power of emotional intelligence and empathy.
Focus areas: Service & retail mindset, emotional intelligence, empathy.
We live in times of overstimulation. We have way too many options to choose from. This is a huge challenge, especially in sales and retail. To make a difference in this vast ocean of competition, it is time to adapt to and exceed our customers' expectations! The "secret recipe" to do so is the power of "human connection".
Nowadays, customers not only expect product knowledge or high product quality. They expect to be seen and valued as a person. This is exactly what we can achieve by understanding how impactful empathy, attentiveness, respect, appreciation and, simply put, genuine interest in other people. All of this is the basis for a service excellence mindset.
16 years of international experience in sales and retail (New York, Paris, Germany, Austria, Bali) showed me that it is possible to make a difference and create an extraordinary experience for your customers.
Learn how to thrive in human connection with emotional intelligence and agility and by adapting a service excellence mindset!
Are you looking for the right keynote to perfectly fit your needs?
All keynotes are coordinated with you and tailored to your needs and wishes. Contact me for a free consultation. I look forward to connecting with you!